Saturday 25th September 1.30-3pm with Nick

Neck, Shoulders and Spinal Release Workshop

$40 casual attendance or 420 for body flow members

Join us in the studio as Nick guides you through a one hour Avita Yoga session followed by a Yoga Nidra and Affirmation practice.  This workshop is ideal for anyone with soreness or tightness in their upper body and suitable for all levels – all bodies are welcome!


Workshop explorations:

Tech Neck – Safe and effective movements to release common restrictions caused by technology and lifestyle.
Body / Mind Re-patterning – Unlearning old movement patterns to develop greater mobility in the upper body and spine.
Pain Neuro-education – Understanding how your beliefs limit your latent power to heal and connect through body and mind.


Your nervous system holds the patterns of a lifetime that can be accessed and released through a tailored movement practice specific for your body. Learn to move away from the cycle of pain and discomfort and unwind habitual tension spots in your neck and shoulders working towards a fluidity of movement through the entire spine. This workshop will be a meditation on sensation exploring your relationship to soreness, tightness, and pain. Expect to feel peaceful, grounded, and renewed after our session.



Saturday the 25th September 1.30-3pm

Facilitators: Nicholas Fischer

Investment: $40 casual attendance / $20 member rate

Class numbers are limited to 15 so bookings are essential. 24 hours cancellation notice in writing is required.

Booking now to secure your place.